Outreach and Mission

Outreach and Mission

For more information or to be a part of any of these mission ministries, contact tamih@flcfremont.org.

Monthly Ministry Partners

FLC partners with a local organization each month. We raise funds, collect items, and learn more about these organizations in various ways each month. During the month of October, FLC is partnering with Habitat for Humanity. Check out our facebook page for opportunities to support this month’s featured organization.


LifeHouse Meal

is served by First Lutheran on the third Tuesday of each month at LifeHouse, Fremont’s shelter for the homeless.  The meals are planned and specific food items are requested on the green sheet portion of the Sunday bulletin. All First Lutheran groups and families are encouraged to participate in this food ministry to the homeless of our community.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

serves as way to wrap love around someone in need of comfort and prayers.  The shawls are crocheted or knitted by members and friends of First Lutheran.  The shawls receive a blessing before they are sent on their way.  Patterns are available for anyone who would like to help with this ministry.

LifeHouse Meal

is served by First Lutheran on the third Tuesday of each month at LifeHouse, Fremont’s shelter for the homeless.  The meals are planned and specific food items are requested on the green sheet portion of the Sunday bulletin. All First Lutheran groups and families are encouraged to participate in this food ministry to the homeless of our community.


Quilt Ministry

meets to tie and finish quilts on the third Wednesday of the month. Anyone is welcome for any length of time that they can stay and help.  Quilt squares are available at the Ministry Center for anyone to take home to sew together a quilt top.  The quilts made are distributed through local agencies and Lutheran World Relief.  This ministry welcomes donations of fabric and bed sheets to use in making the quilts.

Lutheran World Relief

seeks lasting solutions to poverty and injustice and in doing so, compels U.S. Lutherans to put their faith into action.  First Lutheran Women help coordinate donations of items for baby care kits, personal care kits and school kits during the year.



Shelter Team

members have been trained by the Red Cross to serve our community in the event First Lutheran would be called up to serve as an emergency shelter. Opportunities are available for new members to be a part of the this team.

Mobile Banquet

is offered the 2nd Thursday of each month. A meal is prepared, packaged, and delivered to a different location in Fremont each month. Volunteers are needed to help cook, pack, serve and clean up. Food donations are also needed.