Children’s Ministries

Age 3 – Grade 6

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School at First Lutheran Church meets September – Mother’s Day at 9:45 am. The purpose is to raise up disciples who live for and love Jesus.

Kids will experience God’s truth through a dynamic large group teaching time with creative dramas and upbeat worship songs.  First Lutheran’s vision for children’s ministry models the words of Jesus in Mark chapter ten: 

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  And then he took them in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.”

We are committed to share the love of God with every child and to partner with all God’s people to strengthen each one as they grow in faith, hope and love as disciples of Christ.  We believe that what we do with our kids matters for eternity and that’s why we are putting kids first!

Contact with any questions. 

Children are always welcome in worship.
To encourage participation, children’s bulletins for age 3+ and 7+ are provided.
Each service offers a Children’s Time where kids are invited up front to hear a message, based on the day’s scripture, at their level.
Two Creation Stations are provided in the Worship Space for children to quietly be creative during the service.
Busy bags (books, crayons, etc) are also offered for families to take to their seats during the worship for children to use. Children’s bulletins and busy bags can be found by each door leading into the Worship Space.

WAM Kids

Worship Arts Ministry for Kids – WAM Kids (for K – 8th grade students) is a fun and exciting new ministry that provides opportunities for children to use their gifts and talents to glorify our God and lift up the mighty name of Jesus. We will do this by providing opportunities to lead worship through singing, puppeteering, dramas, reading scripture, and more! WAM Kids will meet most Wednesdays during the school year 4:30-6:00 pm. Contact with any questions.


For more information about any of these ministries, please email