Grades 7-8

Grades 7-8



The purpose of confirmation is designed to learn about God’s love and grace for us in the person of Jesus! Youths in 7th and 8th grade will spend their 2 years of Confirmation exploring the Bible, asking faithful questions, experience a caring community, while having fun learning what it means to follow Jesus.

Our teaching is large and small-group-based, experiential in nature, and service-oriented. The rhythm of our Confirmation ministry rotates between a year focused on the Old Testament and a year on the New Testament. Mixed in with the Bible is the study of Baptism, Holy Communion, the Apostle’s Creed and The Lord’s Prayer. Large and small groups participate in fellowship events and service opportunities. Each year there is a Fall Faith Formation Confirmation retreat.

What do Wednesday Nights look like?

Confirmation is held Wednesday nights during the school year from 6:30-7:30 pm. Each week will rotate between:
Instruction Time – Fellowship Events – Service Projects – Guide Training

  • During the evenings of Instruction, youth will meet with the large group from 6:30-7:00 pm, then in their small groups between 7:00-7:30 pm
  • During the evenings of Fellowship Events, the youth will spend time playing games and enjoying each other’s company.
  • During the evenings of Service Projects, the youth will explore different ways in which they can serve their community.
  • During the evening of Guide Training, the youth will get the night off, while the small group guides will meet for training.

Please contact Heidi Richmond at or call the church office at 402-721-2959.


WAM Kids

Worship Arts Ministry for Kids – WAM Kids (for 1st – 8th grade students) is a fun and exciting new ministry that provides opportunities for children to use their gifts and talents to glorify our God and lift up the mighty name of Jesus. We will do this by providing opportunities to lead worship through singing, puppeteering, dramas, reading scripture, and more! WAM Kids will meet most Wednesdays during the school year 4:30-6:00 pm. Contact with any questions.